Bruce Esterline is Senior Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and Grants at The Meadows Foundation and has had a 40-year career in the government and nonprofit sectors. After ten years in state government and creating and managing a statewide nonprofit organization, in 1983 he joined The Meadows Foundation’s Grants Department as one of its first Program Officers.
In 1992, he was elected Vice President for Grants for the Foundation. From this position he oversees the process of reviewing grant applications and preparing recommendations for the Foundation’s President and Board of Directors. Last year the Foundation evaluated over 600 grant applications and awarded approximately 200 grants totaling over $20 million dollars to nonprofit organizations across the State of Texas.
The son of a career diplomat, Bruce spent most of his childhood living abroad including India, Sri Lanka, Egypt and the Philippines. Bruce earned a B.A. in History from Stanford University and after completing two years of military duty obtained a M.A. from the L.B.J. School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas. Bruce currently serves on the OneStar Foundation, the Paso del Norte Health Foundation and other nonprofit associations and commissions. Bruce and his wife Diana live in Dallas. Diana and two of their three children work for nonprofit organizations.